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On 2 Feb 2024, EXPAND Construction hosted & welcomed Senior Minister of State for Ministry of Manpower Mr Zaqy Mohamad & Senior Minister of State for Ministry of National Development Mr Tan Kiat How on their visit to one of EXPAND’s outstanding on-going HDB Build-To-Order (BTO) worksite in Hougang Avenue 3.
EXPAND had the opportunity to showcase some of our best WSH Technology to the Ministers of State & Singapore’s News & Media Publishers. We demonstrated on how WSH technology is embraced and integrated into our daily work processes at our construction workplace. A display set-up of WSH Tech booths was erected showcasing:
- Drones used to carry out aerial photography and videography in safety inspection,
- Digital Solutions (Novade) for enhancing safety, quality & productivity such as e-PTW, e-Inspection, e-TBM, e-quality & defects inspection,
- ‘Smart’ Cordless Hand tools & Machineries with enhanced safety features (HILTI),
- Ergonomically-friendly electric wheel barrow and electronic trolley to manage fatigue and prevent bodily and prevent bodily and musculoskeletal injuries to the end users.
In addition, other WSH Technology was demonstrated like integrating our CCTV surveillance to our individual Engineer’s & Manager’s apple iPads application system. The application enables us to integrate all the CCTVs from every tower crane to identify or monitor all potential risk & hazards on our worksite. EXAPND achieved VISION ZERO & TOTAL WSH Program successfully since 2019 & has earned a good reputation in our business because we have built a STRONG WSH Culture & implemented numerous new WSH initiatives and measures over the years in the company form the top management to every stakeholders & workers in EXPAND.
In this ministerial visit and event, we felt honoured to receive Mr Lee Kay Chai (SCAL President), Silas Sng (MOM Commissioner of WSHC), Mr Christopher (GM of WSH Council) as VIPs & guests to witness our WSH Culture & for selecting EXPAND Construction Pte Ltd to host such meaningful events to the Snr. Ministers of State. Mr Von Lee, our Executives Chairman/Managing Director and Founder of EXPAND Construction, is confident that his organisation, which mostly builds public housing and infrastructure, already meets most of the new legal requirement & standards. While these have cost millions of dollars, Mr Von sees it as a critical investment as he strongly believed that SAFETY IS PARAMOUNT. He also welcomed the idea of sharing workplace safety bonuses with workers, which are presented to them through purposeful event like May Day Celebration with the entire migrant workers in EXPAND.
During the media’s interview “Safety is not just the company leadership’s problem,” Mr Von said. “It is a problem for everyone who steps into the construction site.” Beyond past excellent performance, EXPAND demonstrated plans to adopt safer construction methods or deploy WSH technology to improve risk monitoring and safety integration. This has earned recognition favourably by the Building and Construction Authority (BCA) and the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) said the media on 2 Feb 2024 from CNA, Channel 8, Straits Times & Zaobao. Speaking to reporters after a visit to a Housing Board Build-To-Order (BTO) site in Hougang Avenue 3, Senior Minister of State for Manpower Zaqy Mohamad said good procurement practices are a key fundamental of a safety culture. And EXPAND Construction has definitely proven it as a good local & home-grown contractor & world-class builder.